Caching Types Available in Pressable

WordPress is an amazing tool for publishing a website tied into a relational database. In order to make a WordPress website perform as fast as possible Pressable uses a number of cache types. Understanding how Pressable accelerates your website with caching will help you design better websites that perform the best for your users.


Every time a visitor lands on your WordPress website, WordPress has to fetch information from your MySQL database. If you have a lot of functionality and assets on your website, that’s a lot of information to fetch, so your load time increases.

At Pressable there are a few types of caching occurring: page caching (Batcache, advanced-cache.php, via Memcache), database query caching (WordPress Object Cache, extended by object-cache.php via Memcache), OPCache (PHP Code), and static asset caching (CDN).

Page and Query Caching

Both page caching and database query caching use WordPress’ Object Cache. Page and database query caching (for queries that use the WordPress Object Cache class) are always on at Pressable. However, you can exclude certain pages from Batcache.

Static Asset Caching (CDN)

Once you enable the CDN, your website’s assets load from a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which ensures faster download times and browser caching.  If you make an update to any of the static assets, you will need to purge the CDN. See also, how Pressable CDN works.

Note: Edge Cache can eliminate the need for static asset CDNs on some sites. Testing may be necessary to determine what works best on each site. For well-cached pages and assets, enabling a CDN while Edge Cache is active may lead to unnecessary HTTP requests.

OPCache (PHP Code)

Since PHP version 5.5, OPCache has been available for storing a precompiled script bytecode in the memory. This reduces server load in subsequent calls for a PHP file by having it ready to go as soon as it is called.

Edge Cache

Pressable provides Edge Cache across all plans, a free performance feature that allows your WordPress sites to leverage our global network of edge servers to deliver page and static asset cache. Edge Cache provides performance improvements, especially in terms of your site’s Time to First Byte (TTFB), by serving page cache directly from the closest server available to a site’s visitors.