Using the MainWP extension for Pressable

MainWP can help you save time managing multiple sites without sacrificing features or functionality. As a Pressable customer, it’s even easier to incorporate MainWP into your work flows using their Pressable extension.

The Pressable Extension for MainWP allows you to effectively maintain and control various hosting aspects of your websites hosted on Pressable directly from the MainWP Dashboard.

Some key features include:

  • Easily connect with a Client ID and Secret key
  • Create and delete websites on Pressable
  • Enable and disable websites
  • Enable and disable CDN
  • Download and restore backups
  • 1-click access to phpMyAdmin
  • Quick insights for websites and servers

Installing MainWP’s extension

Follow these steps to install the Pressable extension:

  1. Go to the MainWP Dashboard
  2. Go to the MainWP > Extensions page
  3. Locate the Pressable extension and select it
  4. Click the Install button (or sign up for a MainWP Pro account if not yet subscribed)
  5. Once the installation process is complete, click the Activate Extensions button.

Connecting the extension to a Pressable account

1. Navigate to your Pressable account and open the API Applications page

2. Click the Create New API Application button:

3. Enter a desired name for the API Application, give the application all permissions, and click the Save button:

4. Note the Client ID and Client Secret – either copy them somewhere or leave this browser tab open:

5. Navigate to the MainWP Dashboard > Extensions > Pressable page, and open the Settings tab

6. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret and click the Save Settings button:

MainWP's Pressable extension settings

Using the Pressable Extension

MainWP leverages Pressable’s robust API to create new sites on your Pressable account, manage existing sites, and perform hosting-specific tasks directly within the MainWP Dashboard.

We encourage you to check out MainWP’s knowledge base article detailing all the ways you can extend Pressable’s control panel into your MainWP dashboard.

We hope this enjoy the powerful simplicity of their awesome extension!